64 Wine Latest News
We are thrilled to have received the Food Retailer Award Off-Licence of the Year 2024!! We are very proud for all the...
Gold in Star Wine List of the Year 2023, Best Long List and Best Sparkling List!
Best Long List, quite a comprehensive list, mostly European focused but with enticing and precise considerations of world entries. One...
Best of Award of Excellence 2023, Wine Spectator
'These wine lists display excellent breadth across multiple wine growing regions and/or significant vertical depth of top producers, along with superior...
We are thrilled to have received the Food Retailer Award Off-Licence of the Year 2023!! We are very proud for all...
75 of the Best Independents Irish Shops 'Irish Independent 2022'
64 WINE 'Every great neighbourhood deserves a great wine shop, and thankfully many have been following the lead of Gerard...
Picnic review: smoked meats and salad treats make a delicious spread - Independent.ie Katy McGuinness
The perfect picnic may exist only in the imagination. Something more than serendipity is required for all the elements to...
Food Retailer Off-Licence of the Year 2021 AWARD!
We are thrilled to have won NOFFLA Food Retailer Off-Licence of the Year 2021 award. We are very proud for all...
Best of Award of Excellence 2020
64 Wine has received Wine Spectators Award of Excellence 2020. In 2020, 2,289 restaurants earned the Award of Excellence, which...
What is biodynamic Wine?
Since my first mouthful of wine some thirty years ago, I have been hooked. I am a wine enthusiast and...
64 Wine Gourmet Food Boxes
At 64 Wine we offer a selection of Gourmet Food Boxes available for Click and Collection, we have our 64 Wine...