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Vincent Rochette

When I visited Vincent a few years ago I was struck by his enthusiasm and commitment to Biodynamic principles. He set up Domaine Roche-Audran in 1998. Over the years, huge efforts have been made to keep the soil healthy using Biodynamic techniques and this is reflected in the quality of the wines he produces. Vincent has three sites which produce different wines: Buisson for his main Côtes du Rhône, Visan which is an arid site in the Garrigues and Chateauneuf-du-Pape where his site is adjacent to Chateau Rayas. Vincent's wines have long been favoured by customers at 64 Wine and he continues to develop his range. We recently started selling his 'Nature' wine which has no added sulphite. Mary Dowey writes about a trip to Domaine Roche Audran in Decanter.

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